
6th Lustrum IEEE SBE & Odin

Thursday May 13th, 2010 by Giel Op 't Veld

In the week of May 17th, IEEE Student Branch Eindhoven and communication dispute Odin will celebrate their 6th lustrum. This week will be filled with activities, as can be read on the lustrum website. On Thursday the 20th, there will be a party in Het Walhalla that carries the same theme as the symposium: The Connected World. Het Walhalla will be decorated in four corners of the world and every hour one of these corners will play an important role.
The Satori Study Tour Committee will be responsible for the Asia section. We will provide Japanese snacks, music and theming. Also, we will distribute flyers about our study tour.

We hope to see you all next week!


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Study Tour SATORI